API Documentation

msl.nlf.version_info(major, minor, micro, releaselevel)

namedtuple: Contains the version information as a (major, minor, micro, releaselevel) tuple.

msl.nlf.load(path, *, dll=None)

Load a .nlf file.

No information about the fit results are read from the file. The fit equation, the fit options and the correlation coefficients have been set in the LoadedModel that is returned, but you must specify the x, y, params, ux and/or uy attributes of the LoadedModel to the fit() method (or specify different data to the fit() method).

  • path (str) – The path to a .nlf file. The file could have been created by the Delphi GUI application or by the save() method.

  • dll (str) – Passed to the dll keyword argument in Model.


The loaded model.

Return type:



>>> from msl.nlf import load
>>> loaded = load('samples.nlf')
>>> results = loaded.fit(loaded.x, loaded.y, params=loaded.params)

The following are submodules: